Step-by-Step Chanting & Learning

Step 1: Introduction and Significance
Delve into the mystical world of Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra. Discover its historical roots, understand its spiritual significance, and learn about the blessings it brings into the lives of devotees.

Step 2: Pronunciation and Chanting Techniques
Unlock the correct pronunciation and articulation of every word in the Stotra. Master the rhythm and flow of the prayer, allowing your voice to resonate with divine energy as you chant the sacred verses.

Step 3: Word-by-Word Meaning
Unravel the profound meanings embedded in the verses of Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra. Gain deep insights into the symbolism and symbolism behind each line, enabling a profound connection with the divine.
संकटनाशन श्री गणेश स्तोत्रम्
Learn How to Chant
Sankata Nashana Ganesh Stotra
under Ved Bhoomi Bharat
Join 6 Days Session
Date: 03 July 2023
Time - 08.30 PM IST
अथ संकटनाशन श्री गणेश स्तोत्रम्
atha sankaTanaashana shree gaNesha stotram
प्रणम्यं शिरसा देव गौरीपुत्रं विनायकम ।
भक्तावासं: स्मरैनित्यंमायु:कामार्थसिद्धये ॥1॥
praṇamya śirasā dēvaṃ gaurīputraṃ
vināyakam ।
bhaktāvāsaṃ smarēnnityamāyuṣkāmārthasiddhayē
॥ 1 ॥
प्रथमं वक्रतुंडंच एकदंतं द्वितीयकम ।
तृतीयं कृष्णं पिङा्क्षं गजवक्त्रं चतुर्थकम ॥2॥
prathamaṃ vakratuṇḍaṃ cha ēkadantaṃ
dvitīyakam ।
tṛtīyaṃ kṛṣṇapiṅgākṣaṃ gajavaktraṃ
chaturthakam ॥ 2 ॥
लम्बोदरं पंचमं च षष्ठं विकटमेव च ।
सप्तमं विघ्नराजेन्द्रं धूम्रवर्ण तथाष्टकम् ॥3॥
lambōdaraṃ pañchamaṃ cha ṣaṣṭhaṃ vikaṭamēva
cha ।
saptamaṃ vighnarājaṃ cha dhūmravarṇaṃ
tathāṣṭamam ॥ 3 ॥
नवमं भालचन्द्रं च दशमं तु विनायकम ।
एकादशं गणपतिं द्वादशं तु गजाननम ॥4॥
navamaṃ bhālachandraṃ cha daśamaṃ tu
vināyakam ।
ēkādaśaṃ gaṇapatiṃ dvādaśaṃ tu
gajānanam ॥ 4 ॥
द्वादशैतानि नामानि त्रिसंध्य य: पठेन्नर: ।
न च विघ्नभयं तस्य सर्वासिद्धिकरं प्रभो ॥5॥
dvādaśaitāni nāmāni trisandhyaṃ yaḥ
paṭhēnnaraḥ ।
na cha vighnabhayaṃ tasya
sarvasiddhikaraṃ param ॥ 5 ॥
विद्यार्थी लभते विद्यां धनार्थी लभते धनम् ।
पुत्रार्थी लभते पुत्रान् मोक्षार्थी लभते गतिम् ॥6॥
vidyārthī labhatē vidyāṃ dhanārthī
labhatē dhanam ।
putrārthī labhatē putrānmōkṣārthī
labhatē gatim ॥ 6 ॥
जपेद्वगणपतिस्तोत्रं षड्भिर्मासै: फलं लभेत् ।
संवत्सरेण सिद्धिं च लभते नात्र संशय: ॥7॥
japēdgaṇapatistōtraṃ ṣaḍbhirmāsaiḥ
phalaṃ labhēt ।
saṃvatsarēṇa siddhiṃ cha labhatē
nātra saṃśayaḥ ॥ 7 ॥
अष्टभ्यो ब्राह्मणेभ्यश्च लिखित्वां य: समर्पयेत ।
तस्य विद्या भवेत्सर्वा गणेशस्य प्रसादत: ॥8॥
aṣṭabhyō brāhmaṇēbhyaścha likhitvā yaḥ
samarpayēt ।
tasya vidyā bhavētsarvā gaṇēśasya
prasādataḥ ॥ 8 ॥
श्रीनारदपुराणे संकष्टनाशनं गणेशस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्
śrīnāradapurāṇē saṅkaṣṭanāśanaṃ shri
gaṇēśa stōtram ।

Introducing the Ultimate Guide to Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra!
Are you seeking a powerful mantra to overcome obstacles and bring forth prosperity in your life? Look no further! Embark on a transformative journey as we unveil the enchanting Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra, a divine prayer that invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesh, the remover of all hurdles. It eliminates all sorts of problems and destroys all sorrows.
Unleash Divine Protection Today!
Embrace the grace and protection of Lord Ganesh with the Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra. Open the doors to a world of boundless possibilities, where obstacles crumble, and prosperity abounds. Enroll now in our exclusive Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra learning program and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and empowerment. Step by step, you will unlock the profound wisdom of this sacred chant and unleash its transformative power in your life.

What is Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra?
Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra is an ancient hymn composed in Sanskrit, dedicated to Lord Ganesh, the embodiment of wisdom, intelligence, and success. The stotra is one of the most effective prayers to Lord Ganesha and is taken from the Narada Purana. This mantra is very powerful that removes all fears and troubles. This sacred chant is renowned for its ability to eliminate hardships, dispel negativity, and pave the way for abundance and prosperity.
Noteworthy Features of this Event:
- Eight daily sessions, each lasting one hour, conducted via Zoom meetings.
- The sessions commence on the auspicious day of Guru Purnima.
- Experienced Vedic scholars will guide you step by step, starting from the basics, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
- Gain insights into the significance and origin of the Sankat Nasahan Ganesh stotra.
- Limited seats available, so enroll today to secure your spot.
- The donation amount will be utilized to cover the expenses of the event, including payments to the Vedic scholars and other associated costs.
What is Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra?
Origin in the Narada Purana: The Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra finds its roots in the Narada Purana, an ancient scripture renowned for its spiritual wisdom.
Divine Portrayal: Through this stotra, we encounter a beautiful depiction of Lord Ganesha. It vividly captures his physical appearance, divine attributes, and his pivotal role as the remover of obstacles and the bestower of wisdom.
Powerful Invocation: The Ganapati Stotra serves as a potent invocation to Lord Ganesha, creating a sacred connection with his divine presence. It is an earnest plea for his blessings and guidance.
Patron of Arts, Sciences, and Learning: Lord Ganesh is widely revered as the patron of arts, sciences, and learning. The stotra magnifies the divine attributes and qualities that make him a source of inspiration in these realms.
Spiritual Enlightenment and Success: By chanting this stotra with devotion and sincerity, devotees seek the benevolent blessings of Lord Ganesha. They aspire to overcome challenges, attain success in various endeavors, and embark on a transformative journey towards spiritual enlightenment.
Immerse yourself in the blissful practice of Sankatnashan Ganesh Stotra. Discover the optimal times and auspicious occasions for recitation. Learn about the ideal posture, ambiance, and mental state for enhanced spiritual experiences. Witness the transformative power of the Stotra as you explore the multitude of blessings it bestows upon its practitioners. Experience a strengthened sense of faith, increased focus, and an overall sense of harmony in all aspects of life.
We invite you to learn the ricitation and explore the depths of this powerful stotra and experience the profound impact it can have on your life's journey.